Friday, April 20, 2007

As Promised

some digital art quickies for you. I don't generally post my best most original art because I have no clue how to do the right-click protect deal, and people on the internet steal things, and I don't like that. But this gives you the general idea.

charcoal and watercolor of Kayla, Photoshop Elements 5.0

pencil sketch of DL castle, Art Ink 1.3

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Yep, I am totally YABHTU.

Well, my new yummy tablet pc has been here for a while now, and I love her. Her name is Tabitha. (tablet, Tabitha, see how I am so bad at the naming?) I am getting to the point where I am almost using the pen exclusively, which takes a bit of learning, but it sure is making my hands feel better than they did using the touchpad. Here she is all opened up in laptop mode.

But my favorite is when she is in tablet mode. So easy to set on my lap and use, just like a spiral notebook or something. I am sure I am annoying the crap out of some people (coughKerricough) with my emails in my handwriting and doodles sent out for no reason, but hey, she's new. I'll get tired of it at some point, I am sure.

I can rotate the screen around to put her in portrait orientation too, I just forgot to take a picture of it. Anyway, check back soon for some of my digital art, I've been playing both in Elements and with whatever it is that came preloaded for drawing, I am amazed at how much easier it is than even the wacom tablet. Everyone of you should have one of these things, it makes life both easy and fun. :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm On My Way...

To becoming YABHTU. :banana:

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