Saturday, March 04, 2006

Some reviews

I got some new stuff, and I tried some stuff I had but hadn't used/watched/played yet, so I shall review them for you. :)

March issue of Creating Keepsakes - never in my life have a seen an issue of any scrap magazine that had so many layouts that made me think the editors had lost their minds. There were some downright fugly pages in there. Like YIKES kind of fugly even. No offense to anyone who had a layout in that issue, just my opinion. Very cool and interesting article about Fibonnacci in scrapping though, if anyone wants that it's short enough that I will type it in an email for you so as to save you from spending the $6 to see the fugly layouts. :)

Scrapbook Answers - this is a relatively (I think) new scrap magazine that I signed up to get a free issue of. Free issue came. Yummy. I LOVE this one and subscribed right away. Lots of things that have that "percieved value" going on, where it looks ever so cool on the page, but is easy and usually cheap to do. Good step by step directions, and every issue comes with a CD-ROM with coolio stuffs on it. Well, I assume. I haven't actually played with the CD yet, but it says it has 44 fonts on it, and that's coolio enough for me. :)

The Bo Bice CD - man, that guy can sing. I really love his voice, and all of the songs on there are pleasant, but I do have to say they all sound a bit alike to me. Granted, I have only listened to it once, but that's my first impression. Not that I think that is really a bad thing though. :)

10 Minute Solutions workout DVDs. I bought the Pilates and the Kickboxing ones. The kickboxing is really fun and the ten minutes go pretty fast. The Pilates one has me convinced that "Pilates" is not some guys name, but code for "self-torture for masochists". Both of them seem to make me sore, so I'm gonna take that as evidence that they are doing SOMETHING. I'll let you know more in a month or so. I'm really just in the market for toning, so if you're looking to see how fast I lose weight or anything, you came to the wrong place. It's nice to have something that only takes 10 minutes and is an actual workout, though. At least it is for me, but I am in nothing like good shape.

A book by Steve Berry called The Third Secret - I'm about 80 pages into it and not quite sure exactly where it is going, but it's damned interesting so I'll keep going till I find out. Note to Kerri - you will want to just pass this one up. As a hint, I bought it because it was on an endcap with a big sign that said "If you are bored waiting for the Da Vinci Code movie, read this!" :) So far the whole thing has taken place at the Vatican, and a priest has already been excommunicated from the church for not only having an affair with some chick but then absolving them both of sin in front of his congregation. And the pope (is that to be capitalized?) is freaking out about something and no one knows quite what. I also bought the new(?) Stephen King, but since I have yet to read it I can't say much except the cover has his name on it. Which, me being me, means I can say it's really very good and everyone should have it, because Stephen King is genius like Tim Burton and Johnny Depp and Carlos Santana and Salvador Dali.

Sly Cooper 2 - Band of Thieves - (it's a PS2 game) addicting. I have had this for probably a year and a half and finally started playing it. While the first Sly Cooper was in the format of "go through here, collect the key, when you have 7 of them beat the bad guy boss and then you can go to the next level where you do it all again" kind of thing, on this one you have a list on each level of "jobs" you have to complete before making the big heist for that level and going to the next one. Also you can play as different characters this time, which is kind of fun. If you have a PS2 and like the "kiddie" kind of games like Spyro or Crash, I highly reccommend the Sly games as well, they are my favorite. Charlie got the Sly 3 for Christmas and is halfway through it, maybe in another year and a half I will play that one too.

Last weeks episode of LOST - good grief, how very confusing. Far too much for me to get through in one week, I mean I haven't even consulted the freaky people websites as of yet. So I hope there are some repeats now. BTW, still confused on the Eko/Gale thing, I don't buy LaRelle's explanation and that whole cutting pieces off the beard thing was just plain odd. I think it all means something, I'm just not sure what. Maybe Eko is really an Other - since I DO agree with LaRelle that there are 2 different groups of Others.

Amazing Race - I am soooo happy this is on again. How fun are BJ and Tyler? And the racist redneck dentist (did I get that right? lol) cracks me up really, who says dadgummit? Just that guy and Bucky on American Idol. They shouldn't let Bucky talk, just make him sing, but since he does, he really should end every sentence with "Itellyawhut" like that guy on King of the Hill, cause that is what he sounds like. Also, getting back on topic, I adore those 2 kids that came in first this week, gotta love someone who will admit that "we want to be millionaires, but we don't want to work". And my condolences to everyone, who had to run at full sprint up the seats at Red Rocks. As someone who went to plenty of concerts there when it was GA seating in the front and back and reserved in the middle, I have run up the outside of the mountain and back down the seats to get up front many many times, often drunk and heatstroked, so I feel for those poor people. Especially since most of them weren't used to the altitude to begin with. And in case anyone was wondering, where they got in their cars is where the tour bus parks during the concert, so now you know what to look for if you are celebrity stalking in Colorado. Just don't ask how I know that. ;)

K, that's really all I have for now... Kayla's birthday was fun, once I get back on track here I'll post some pictures or something.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hold the phone lady....I didn't really have an "explanation" for the whole Eko/Gale thing....I am just as thoroughly confused as you are. :p I was just trying to make some sense out of it and thought that might be one possible theory. And yes, we have two weeks of repeats now I believe. I still plan on watching this episode a couple more times.
Kerri....go for know you want to remind me. ;)
Amazing Race!! I'm glad it's back on also. I lost interest in the family version they had last time and didn't really watch it. The hippie guys are entertaining.....I just think it's really funny that there is a guy from San Fran named B.J.
Count me in the catergory of "I want to be a millionaire so I don't have to work anymore" :)

1:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Holly....see my post on the farm for another "explanation" about Eko/Gale that I read. :)

2:08 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

10 minute kickboxing??? I might could do that!!

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I totally try to 'skim' and not take in anything when I see "LOST" as not to be spoiled. Then I see my name in the middle so *Coughseason2cough* ;)

Thanks for the book Review. I just started reading an old paperback I bought years ago and forgot about, but for the life of me can't remember the name of it... real interesting reading though I'm sure.

7:21 AM  
Blogger Traci said...

Holly you are my hero. You read books, you scrap, you home school, you give your children parties, you listen to new music, you watch TV shows and you post your blogs...

Why is it that I can't even find the time to pull weeds in my backyard? Or get a hair cut! Yikes!

4:39 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

1. I read when I go to bed, usually only about 20 minutes a night, and it's midnight when I get to it. Except now that I am on the Stephen King book, I will be staying up even later, cause I can't put his down.

2. Yeah, I scrap. Look at your list, I would be insane without me time, lol!

3. Charlie is smart and fast, so the school doesn't take much time.

4. I don't do the parties, that's all my MIL. LOL.

5. New music - you know Fred goes everywhere with me. Except for when I am folding static filled clothes, of course.

6. TV goes fast when there are no commercials. Viva TiVo!

7. Yeah, I post my blogs too, I get yelled at if I don't keep up! BTW, anything new on yours?!? ;)

8. That being said, I DON'T DO OUTSIDE CHORES, so no weeds for me. And I haven't had a haircut since October. I really need one, too, I was thinking that earlier today even. Great minds... :)

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of haircuts, I get mine cut on Thursday. Do I let it grow long or cut short again? comments... opinions... any color suggestions???

I'm tech support, I can butt in on your blog can't I? ;)

7:08 AM  

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