Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Why are people so rude?

Two things happened yesterday that make me ask this question.

First, I went shopping at Hobby Lobby. Let me tell you that I was looking for a certain scrapbook magazine I have not ever seen, and since my LSS is really just a larger version of the sunday school craft closet, the lady that works there sent me to Hobby Lobby to find it. And then I got distracted and ended up buying other stuff, like I usually do. But, as I went to the checkout, lo and behold, there is a big bin with bunches of issues of this magazine in it. They are all over a year old, and really beat up, but I figure since I haven't seen this mag before and may not like it, why not buy the beat up old ones, I mean, they MUST be discounted pretty good, right? I asked the checkout lady what the dscount was on the magazines. Her response: "There is no discount, we aren't here to help you out, we have to make money, you know". Um, WHAT?!? I calmly pointed out to her that these magazines were over a year old, and beat to shit. Her response: "There IS NO DISCOUNT. Do you want one, or not?" Well, no, I want to see a manager, thanks. The manager came out, fired the chick in front of me (I got the impression it wasn't the first incident of this nature) and gave me 3 of the old magazines and the newest issue FOR FREE. That turned out just fine for me, but really, why are people so rude?

The second thing is something that actually has been going on for some time now. I am going to try to approach this in some manner that doesn't hurt any feelings or make anyone mad, because enough of that has happened already. However, tact is not my strong point, so what I am going to ask is that anyone who gets hurt or mad take it out on me, as I (and only I) am the one saying these things. I have a group of friends online that I am very close with. We are going to call them T1, T2, T3, C, L1, L2, K1, K2, and A. (subtle, eh?) T1 and C were friends for a very long time, but something happened between THEM and they aren't any more. T3, L2, K1, and A have done a marvelous job of keeping out of this situation, you all may go on with your day knowing Holly is not unhappy with you. :) For the rest of you... especially T2 and C - knock it off. If you have something bad to say about anyone, or snide comments to make, or inside jokes that aren't really so inside because you are so very rude about it, keep it in the email or the instant messaging. I enjoy the online "hangouts" we all frequent, both of them, and I really appreciate and love ALL of you... but if I have to put up with reading something rude and immature in every other thread, it's not enjoyable for me anymore. So you ALL know... if the people in this situation were reversed, or for that matter, if anyone anywhere was treating any of you in this manner, I would immediately call them out on it just as I am doing now. I have nothing against anyone personally - you ALL are my friends. I understand if that's not true for everyone in the group. All I am asking is that you keep your rude, immature, highschool behavior in private, as I think that is common courtesy, and I know that all of you are capable of being courteous, because you are all good people. To prove how easy this is, I am going to make a comment about each of you right here. Are you scared? You shouldn't be, I am a good person too. :)

T1 - YOU are MY hero. You are one of the most together people I have ever known, and I admire the way you have recently purged negativity from your life and your thoughts. Love you.

T2 - You are one of the most talented people I have ever known. You are a wonderful mother and grandmother and very giving.

T3 - You are just downright cool. I know this isn't the best time of your life and that you have some issues right now, but you handle them with humor and, well, coolness. Nothing can be done about your NFL affiliation, but really, that's the only bad thing I can think of about you. ;)

C - You are the hardest working person I have ever met, outside of my grandfather. You had the patience to wait for love and found it, and are going into not just a new chapter of your life but a whole new book - with no fear and an admirable sense of adventure and loyalty.

L1 - You go in the downright cool category too. I am just recently discovering that you and I have so much in common that if we lived anywhere near each other, we would probably be constantly together - you know, stalking Johnny, watching LOST, checking out new music.. something. ;)

L2 - What's the definition of sweet? L2 is. Both in the "aw, she's so sweet" sense and the "Sweet!" sense, if ya know what I mean.

K1 - T1 is my hero, but you are my role model. L1 and I would be constantly hanging out if we lived in the same town, but you and I would be best friends forever. We share Schmolland, which is not a nice thing to have to share, but I for one am really, really, REALLY glad you are there with me, sister.

K2 - I don't really know you that well, now that I think of it, but from what I do know, you are a very intelligent woman with strong ties to your kids, and there ain't nothing wrong with that fo' sho'.

A - You're in that cool category too, dang I have a lot of cool friends. Rock on like always.

Okey dokey - if you have comments on the situation above, or want to yell at me, have at it. Like I said, I don't mean to be hurtful or make anyone angry... but I do think this has been going on long enough that it's time for someone to say something. So I did. Hopefully I will still be welcome at both our online hangouts... cause I don't want to lose either one. Well, one I can't lose unless I piss someone off that isn't even mentioned here, but I'm sure you all know what I am talking about. :)


Blogger Traci said...

Holly...gosh I'm sorry that you had to have that experience at the Hobby Lobby. I've never ever had anyone be flat out rude to me like that (to my face that is). I guess she deserved to be fired.

Are you enjoying the magazine?

Also, thank you for the nice words. I love you too. And if anyone should be considered a "hero", it's you. Look at all the things you do, you amaze me.

God Bless Holly, always and forever.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I can't beleive that person did that to you, glad they got fired. Althought the manager could have done that in private.

And the rest is well said.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, did he really fire her or is that just a game they play?

"Here, you be a bitch and I'll come out and fire you in front of everyone" then tomorrow they do it again LOL. It would almost be fun, you could take turns being the bitch/manager.

And on #2, yea, I agree, let it go. Use PM, or just let it go. But keep saying nice stuff about K1, I hear she likes that.

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more question.... what's LSS??

and I finally figured out I can sign my posts with my name instead of sweetness, although I like sweetness too.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Ok, couple of things... first, about the firing in public - it wasn't all that public, I was the only one that saw/heard it besides the two of them, and I think part of the point was that the manager WANTED me to see it. They could have been playing though, that would be funny. I should go back and see. Wait, go back to Hobby Lobby? ROFL... probably not till tomorrow or so.

LSS - local scrapbook store.

K1 is ubercool whether she signs with sweetness or her name. LOL.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well said Holly.
I try VERY HARD to stay neutral!

L1 thinks that H is pretty cool too. We can go Johnny stalking anytime. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time once we are trimming the palm trees and taming the wild boar on his island. ;)

And just for the record I can't stand rude people either. There seems to be an abundance of them California and they tend to congregate at Disneyland.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

Am I the biggest nerd (maybe don't answer that), or am I struggling to figure out the initials?!? Doh!

I love Hobby Lobby!!! We had one in IL. I miss it. It's so easy to get distracted.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Terry said...

well that must have been interesting to see. And look at all those freebies you got!!!! Maybe I should go to HL and look for snotty people?!?!?!?!

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

L2 would like every letter of the alphabet to know that she loves them equally. That's why she learned to say them as a whole word (thanks to Big Bird for the help :-D).

And also....Hobby Lobby is just fun to say.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Terry said...

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1:16 PM  

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