Monday, April 10, 2006

Our really big weekend

Friday: Finally someone calls and says we are approved for the house some of you know as "the weather vane one", some of you know as "the one with the REALLY good schools", and at least one of you knows simply as "SUNPORCH!". Then, the school carnival, where I spend a whopping $2 to buy two tickets for the "silent raffle" as I am calling it... not really an auction, you buy a ticket for a dollar and drop it in the can of the thing you want to win. Being logical as I am, I went in there 10 minutes before the thing ended, dropped my two tickets in the two cans that had the least amount of tickets in them, and won them both. It's a gift certificate to a pretty good pizza place, and another for a 30 minute massage, yay me. Charlie also won Kayla a goldfish, which is dead already. She apparently thinks every living being should eat just as much as she does.

Saturday: First, we went to SUNPORCH! and signed the lease and took pictures. Here is one, and that's all you get, cause it's 11:30, my kids are awake, and Todd is on his way home to a bunch of dishes in the sink that I promised I would have cleaned up before he got here.

This is the living room. The front door is behind where I am standing, to my immediate right is a huge-mongous coat closet, and Todd is sitting on the hearth of my FIREPLACE!. Loving the big wall'o'windows, although it leaves some doubt as to where exactly we can put our TV. More pictures later, maybe. Most of what I took was in the vein of "where does that wall end" and "which corner has the outlet in it" than anything else. Moving on...

Later we went up to Denver for Todd's parents 40th anniversary party. We had some food and drink at the house, watched an awesome DVD my sister-in-law put together full of pictures ranging from their wedding day up to about 2 weeks ago, and then... I left to take my kids to my
mom's house while everyone else climbed in this and went downtown to the Broker for dinner. I met them there later, of course. :) We had a really good time eating and drinking and eating and drinking and then eating some more.

We pretty much spent the morning sitting around. Come to think of it, that's how we spent the afternoon and evening as well, but I digress. We had decided that our plan for the day (after 4 hours of lazy ass discussion) was that Kayla was going to play out back, Charlie was going to play inside, Todd was going to do yardwork, and I was going to clean the kitchen. Soon after, as I was doing dishes, I heard Kayla crying, looked out the window, decided she fell off the slide, saw Todd going to her and went back to my dishes. 10 seconds later, Todd came rushing through the door with her in his arms, looking for keys and saying "we are going to emergency". See, her arm seemed to have developed a second elbow, and it wasn't bending the right way, even for a second elbow. I convinced Todd that we should call 911 instead so they could splint it up right for the ride, sent Charlie next door, and made a frantic drive to the hospital. I, of course, took pictures of everything from there on out. :) Here's just after we got there.

Don't they look thrilled? Here is the xray, ugly, I tell you. But cool in that kind of "ewwww.... let me see again" way.

If it looks like she broke both bones clean through, that's only because she did. :)

My favorite - really, you can't tell its the arm with the splint on it (and that pesky second elbow) that needs setting and not the one that says "NOT THIS ARM" all over it in big red letters?

Always good to have a personal Jedi waiting for you to come out of the operating room.

This is, believe it or not, the most emotion we saw out of her after it first happened. She is crying not because her arm is broken, or even over hospital food, but because they pulled off the tape that was holding in her IV.

Home again, happy again, I always say. :)

So yeah, 8 hours in the hospital. Totally cool Sunday. :) She is doing just fine. I spent the whole day today pretty much letting her order me around, and now I am back a point where I can yell at her without feeling guilty. And I am going to bed, cause my bet is that pain medication wears off around 5am tomorrow just like it did today. :)


Blogger Larilyn said...

Poor little Kayla....poor little Holly! Geez, when your family has an adventure, you don't go little. You go big! Couldn't just break one bone, had to break both. ;)

10:31 AM  
Blogger Terry said...


12:51 PM  
Blogger monica said...


2:27 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

poor little baby!!

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 - Poor Kayla... And I can't look at that picture. I think everyone should have a maximum of 2 elbows.

2 - SUNPORCH!!!!!!!!!!!

4:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Here's to having a better week than your Sunday was. :)

yay for the sunporch house! (or as I know it...the house with the REALLY good schools.) ;)

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hellloooooo!!? Like Kayla's on the Heck family injured reserve list, so she gets special considerations, right? I'm betting she will be regailing her pre-school pals with exciting stories about what happened. Poor baby. Uncle Bill

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention...if I'm ever in the Hospital, I too, want a Jedi standing guard over me. Way to Go Charlie. Mega Cool Points for you!

11:29 AM  
Blogger Traci said...

Well, you can't say your life is boring, can you?

Keep those kissing to Kayla coming from me, and to Charlie if he'll accept them (he's a big boy now)

I'm glad you got the house you wanted. Is there an extra room? LOL

1:14 PM  

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